Category Archives: Burnination

Worshiping the Cargo Cult: The (de?)Commodification of Burning Man Marches On

Black Rock City – Watched thousands of pagans, actual & momentary, roiling wildly counterclockwise around the collapsed symbol.  Alone amidst thousands beneath the smoggy sky the decision was made to be there again before any real time for consideration.

Posted in Burnination, Electrocution, I was there, Wanderings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Ludum et Refugium: Treehousing Portland’s CORE Amidst a Cargo Cult

Portlanding – Play & refuge, two of the main things keeping humanity interested in the rest of it.  Visible everywhere one looks, much of our real expression and true creation lies in these.  As one transitional being journeyed west through snow, … Continue reading

Posted in Burnination, I was there, Wanderings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Post Playa (not technically) Decompression at the Refuge with Sandra Collins & Solovox

Portlanding – Reentry is never easy.  Burning through the atmosphere to find oneself crippled with the bends.  Two weeks into recalibration life muted along. Unfortunately heat shielding may be faulty.  Dark of night two weeks afterward found train tracks receding into … Continue reading

Posted in Burnination, Electrocution, Muzak | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fertility 2.0 Burning In The Dust )°(

Black Rock City – Holes.  Nothing but holes.  For day after day.  Adirondack cow pastures before company asset reassignment brought a Comfortless Inn on the Delaware and the misery that is New Jersey. Shimmering 2,500 miles past the sunset, a … Continue reading

Posted in Burnination, Electrocution, I was there, Wanderings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Lakes of Fire – Michigan Was On Fire When We Got There )°(

Lucky Lake Campground – Whilst the enigmatic culture swirling about Black Rock Desert’s Burning Man continues confounding outsiders, denizens of America’s Great Lakes gathered to share and celebrate the event’s ideals at a venue closer to home. Driving through the  … Continue reading

Posted in Burnination, Electrocution, Hydrofracking, I was there, Wanderings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Hitching to Burn )°(

Ideas begin their existence the same way anything else does, as a seed.  Most are discarded, crowded out before they can grow by deeply rooted ideals around them.  Others take hold, beginning their metamorphosis into a thought. The idea for … Continue reading

Posted in Burnination, I was there | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments